Written by Vardah Littmann Photos by Rimonah Traub
Not far from the entrance to Tzfas is a medium-sized ancient building with a courtyard, built over a burial cave. This is the tomb of Rebbi Yehudah Bar Ilai, who was born in the city of Usha in the Galilee and whose yahrzeit falls this coming week on the 14th of Iyar. He was one of the five talmidim of Rebbi Akivah and among the greatest of the fourth generation of scholars of the Mishna. Of all the many Rabbi Yehudas mentioned in the Talmud, he is the only one referred to as Rebbi Yehuda.
The appointment of Rebbi Yehudah helped to save the Torah community. The Romans looked with disfavor at the office held by the Nasi and therefore did not allow the Mesivta (assembly of sages) to meet. But now the sages could meet with Rebbi Yehudah at their head. (Rav Avigdor Miller Z'l)
There is an ancient tree behind the tomb of Rebbi Yehudah Bar Ilai. It is claimed that if you take a splinter from the trunk of this tree and carry it in your purse, then you will always have money in your purse. Saying ten verses of Tehillim next to Yehudah Bar Ilai's grave is also a segulah for parnossah.
There is a huge stone near the entrance of the building. On it is engraved instructions for a another special segulah for good livelihood. Visitors are instructed to walk around the building seven times in a counterclockwise direction, as they recite Psalm 29 and the passage Ana b'Koach.
Why so many segulahs for good livelihood at Rebbi Yehuda Bar Ilai’s gravesite when he himself suffered from the direst of poverty? He and his wife were eveb forced to share the same coat. When Rebbi Yehuda went out, she had to stay at home, and vice versa.
It is asked how they could both wear the same article of clothing, what about the halacha forbidding one sex to wear garments of the other sex? The answer is that this cloak was so non-de-script that it could worn by any gender. Despite all this Rebbi Yehuda Bar Ilai’s face was always illuminated with happiness. His happiness made him appear very well nourished even though the land was suffering the after effects of the war of Beit Tar and the Shmad and was ravaged with poverty.
In 1949, Jews from Tsfas came and made a public ceremony next to the tomb of Rebbi Yehuda Bar Ilai’s as they buried the soap made by the Nazis, may their names be eradicated. This soap was made from the fat of murdered Jews, may G-d avenge their deaths. The soap was brought to
To reach his tomb, travel on Road 89 until the Atz Zetim Junction, and then turn north to Road 886. Keep driving about 950 meters, and on the right side of the road is the resting place of Rebbi Yehudah Bar Ilai.
A relatively minor point, but may I suggest that Rabbi Yehudah's name in English letters should probably be spelled 'Ilai', rather than 'Ilia'? I've never heard it pronounced that way (Ilia), and I don't think the original spelling אלעאי supports it.
ReplyDeleteThank you,Rav Scher, I will change the spelling.