By Vardah Littman
After the state of Israel was
declared, the Jews in Arab lands had to flee for their lives. They came en-mass
to the fledgling state into which they where absorbed. Just as an aside; today
these Sephardie Jews are completely assimilated into the population, in
contrast to the Palestinian refugees who where kept in their squalid state and
refugee status on purpose, a festering wound to use politically against the
A haven for these immigrants was established Kiryat Yovel in
1952. The neighborhood started out as a tent city and very quickly housing
projects or “shikunim” started to mushroom out. The English enforced a
rule that buildings in Jerusalem
be faced with stone, but this restriction was waived, as there was such an
urgent need to build housing in Kiryat Yovel. Since the year 1952 was the fiftieth anniversary of
the Jewish National Fund, this new suburb was called “Jubilee Town ”
or Kiryat Yovel.
For the last forty years the "Mifletzet” has dominated
this area. This
miniature amusement park at a crossroads in the center
of the Kiryat Yoval neighborhood leading to the Hadassa
Ein Kerem
Hospital is a universally recognized Jerusalem city landmark.
Built in 1971 by French modern artist Niki de Saint Phalle, (who also designed some of the
sculptures of garden/playground of the Biblical Zoo), the
exciting and scary monster slide affords much pleasure to children. The
artist originally named the metal and molded
concrete monstrosity "Golem," but the general public's more
descriptive nickname the "Mifletzet" was the name that stuck. The
funds to create the Rabinovitch Park
with the grotesque squatting sculpture were
donated by a person with that name.
The enormous black, white, and red protuberance
fascinates children who enter it eagerly and call it the Cow Slide. To
get inside this colorful bizarre creation,
they need to use a twisting set of stairs and climb to the
top where they encounter three slides that are in fact the Monster’s long tongues and
stretch out to the sand surrounding it down below.
To reach the Rabinovich park in Kiryat Yovel, take the light rail to
Har Hertzl. From there, take the 20 or 27 bus a few stops to reach the Monster.
If you take a taxi t is so well known that you only have to tell the driver that
you want to visit "Mifletzet," and he'll know where to take you.
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