About half an hour from Jerusalem a most delightful partway overlooking the scenic view of Nachal Soreq is found in Judean hills. This promenade overlooking the Nachal Soreq was created especially for those people who want a scenic view of the Judean Hills and its vegetation without going on a strenuous hike. It starts out at the Bar Giora Junction from behind the lovely little Bar Ba-Har coffee shop and the JNF information center where pamphlets, both in Hebrew and English, are given out for free. The pamphlets have information about the different attractions in the area.
The paved pathway is 750 meters long and adapted for the physically challenged. In fact, special sweet smelling herbs have been planted along the path to enhance the visit of people with visual disabilities.
Others say that Nachal Soreq is named for the best quality red grapes from which wine is made, called soreq. When the Jewish nation lived in Eretz Yisroel in Biblical and Second Temple times, they grew grapes in terraces on the slopes of the hills along the course of Nachal Soreq. Nowadays we see scrub on the Soreq's slopes, but in those great days the hillsides were covered in grapevines. Hundreds of winepresses and barrels have been found in the Judean hills.
Nachal Soreq is a nachal achzav (dry river bed) into which the raw domestic sewage of Jerusalem is discharged. Here it passes a purification process and the now almost clean water moves on to Sovah where it is completely cleansed. This water is then recycled to irrigate the fields.
At the end of the walkway is a wooden balcony vantage point which features picnic tables and a playground for children.
For public transportation, take Super Bus #184 to Bar Giora from the Central Bus Station. For the timetable, call Super Bus at 1700700181.
Don't forget to bring plenty of water and a hat.
Published in 'The English Update' 6 January 1011
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